Issue Position: Students Come First

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2015
Issues: Education

After speaking with many educators, and tax payers I've come to the conclusion that the biggest problem we face in regards to the Students Come First initiative is a lack of communication and cooperation. I was asked by a teacher if I was in favor of getting rid of Tom Luna. I told this individual that it depends on who you replace him with. The problem with getting rid of a plan is that you don't always know what plan will replace it. (Look at the new government of Egypt for an example.) The real issue here is that even if Students Come First is the best program in the world, it is doomed to fail unless the front line educators (teachers) support it. As a legislator, I will do my best to help make sure that all parties involved communicate and cooperate when it comes to education. Because let's be honest; everyone is for education, we just differ on what we think the best plan is.
